The School of Applied Functional Medicine™ (SAFM) offers Continuing Education credits for a variety of different health modalities. Tracy Harrison, Founder and Lead Educator of SAFM is offering a complimentary “Master Class on “Methylation Myths, Truths, and Pitfalls for Practitioners” taking place on Thursday, July 21 , 6:30 PM India Standard Time.
Master Class Topics:
- Testing for Methylation status – the bad, the good and the ugly. From everyday labs to esoteric Functional Lab markers – are you in the know?
- Still treating the SNP? – This is Not Functional Medicine.
- Where conventional medicine has missed the target – methylation related pearls for prescribers.
- Giving high dose or prescribing B9 – don’t overlook these other B’s!
- Yes, you may know of MTHFR. But there are other SNPs that affect methylation of common endogenous and exogenous compounds. Do you know them?
- Folate is important. But this other methylation helper is often depleted by drugs and lifestyle – you need this knowledge!
- The most important function of methylation – it may not be what you think!
- The two best known MTHFR variants – 1298C and 677T. Are you savvy with the subtle but important differences between the two?
- From allergies to cardiovascular disease, from breast cancer to mental health – can you explain how impaired methylation plays a role in these and much more?
- B12 – a key B vitamin for many functions, including methylation. Are you savvy enough to recommend the Right Form?
- These key pearls from your intake sessions should flag exploring methylation further.
- Undermethylation is better known, but overmethylation is also problematic. Do you know how to look for it?
- Supplements are great, but food is always first. Are you able to teach your patients about methylation-supportive foods?
By registering TODAY, your Deep Dive learning experience in Functional Medicine know-how doesn’t have to wait.
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